Child & Youth Support

Cedar Centre
The Child, Youth and Family Program is a service for children ages 3-18 and their caregivers that develops and reinforces the family and support systems surrounding the child.

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Child & Youth Mental Health and Addictions workers provide support services to children, youth and their families experiencing mental health and addictions difficulties.
Native Youth Justice program services First Nation/Indigenous youth between the ages of 12 – 17 who are in conflict with the law.
Youth in Transition program assists youth who are leaving the child welfare system and transitioning to adulthood.
Family Services to help children, youth, their families and communities find the resources and to become empowered to overcome their difficulties.
Child in Alternative Care services provide culturally intelligent services rooted in culture and based on community values and beliefs.

Family Services York Region
Offering a variety of counselling opportunities, including sessions specifically for children, teens and youth.

Jewish Family & Child Services
Jewish Family and Child Service is the Children’s Aid Society for the Jewish community in Toronto and York Region, so if you know or suspect that a Jewish child is being abused, call us right away at 1-800-404-1393.

John Howard Society of York Region
905-895-9943 | |
We support families with counselling and resources to help them navigate the challenges of criminal justice.

Sandgate Women’s Shelter
1-800-661-8294 | |
Let’s Talk Child Witness Program: 10-week program for kids age 4-15 to talk about their experiences in a safe, supportive environment.

Yellow Brick House
1-800-263-3247 | |
Individual counseling to help kids deal with the negative impact of abuse.
Let’s Talk Child Witness Program: 10-week program for kids age 4-15 to talk about their experiences in a safe, supportive environment.

York Region Children’s Aid Society
Providing child protection services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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